How do I buy SmartCheck?
Our SmartCheck app is on Apple’s Appstore and Google Play. It’s a free download and has a “taster” in the form of a quick “on board” walkaround dem for you to try. Our more advanced features and access to our free WebView fleet monitor, are also available to trial. Simply fill in the trial form and our support department will set up your trial account. If you like what you see then you can commit to rolling out across your fleet.
Why try to fix something that isn't broken?
We can’t agree more. What we want to do is enhance the proven processes that you have in place, rather than try to change them. The daily walkaround checks are critical but do they need to be done on paper? Also, do the results, particularly identifies defects, get to your service department soon enough? Do they get there immediately? If they were to, that must save off- road time and delayed journeys. This is precisely what we can offer!
Defect books cost very little. How can we save money?
The money saving when you remove the paper-based defect reports, is small but the savings in distribution, collection, data entry etc, begin to add up. The peace of mind, knowing that all daily checks are completed, even when the vehicle is on the road overnight, has value. As, well as knowing who has and who hasn’t, completed their checks. The main savings come when you use the readily available defect data to schedule action. Having parts and labour ready and waiting for the arrival of the vehicle saves a lot of very expensive off-road time.
Can defects be sent straight to service mechanics?
We have an option to do just that. The basic system collects all defect reports and forwards any defects to a service department email or phone. As you will know, on occasions the defect can be rectified by the driver. If you incorporate this approach in your operation then SmartCheck can support it, offering any defects identified in the earlier daily walkaround, to be reported as rectified/fixed, with supporting comment and photo(s). It covers things like bulb replacements or similar, that don’t necessarily need a service department but would otherwise risk a PG9.
From the office you’ll see all this progress through the WebView Fleet Monitor screen. Our next step is for defect repair or rectification task, to be allocated to a mechanic and the relevant data regarding the reported defect sent to their phone. So the mechanics have a schedule to work from and completed repairs are then sent back with time and parts used, with the cycle concluded as a “closed” repair. Again all visible through WebView by as many people as need to have access, at no charge.